Energy & Utilities

Generate better results

Choose a partner with the expertise to go beyond the planning phase and deliver true end-to-end support services. Increase customer trust, satisfaction, and retention. We’ll work with you to make your vision a reality – and a success.

Process knowledge

We leverage years of industry and process experience in the utility and energy industries to offer clients the talent and solutions to outperform their business challenges. We have more than 2,500 FTEs serving utilities and energy clients.

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Proven expertise

We have proven expertise of delivering services through transformation, analytics and technology using innovative commercial models across the utilities and energy industry value chain.

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Utilities and Energy

Utility and energy companies face cost saving imperatives even as they try to meet the changing demands of customers with innovative services, implementing smart metering solutions and ensuring an omni-channel access. They also have to contend with varied regulatory requirements and environmental mandates in different countries. For some, particularly the state-owned utilities, budget constraints make new technology investments challenging. A shrinking talent pool is also adding to the concerns in this sector.

Utilities Supplier Segments


Energy Network Operators

Grid operators, regional network operators, and distribution network operators sell access to their networks to retail service providers.

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Energy Traders and Marketers

By buying and selling energy futures and other derivatives and creating complex ``structured products,`` these companies usefully help utilities and power-hungry businesses

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Energy Service Providers and Retailers

In most U.S. states, consumers can now choose their own retail service providers.

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